Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Post

"The mind of a superior man at work is like the lake with clouds passing over it."

Direct meaning:
The cloud gets reflected on the surface of the lake, only when it is directly overhead. There is no evidence or trail of the cloud on the lake before it arrives, or after it gets blown away.
Similarly, the mind of the superior man does not engage itself in brooding over a task before the task is executed and after the task is over. However, the mind completely is immersed in the task and is 'reflecting' the task while it is engaged in the task.

Implied meaning:
Always give 100% to whatever activity you are engaged in, be it brushing your teeth, or talking to your girlfriend over the phone, or writing a blog, or playing badminton or designing digital circuits. Do not think of other things while engaged in a particular task. Do not ponder over the task before or brood over it's results after it is over.
Just do it, with full mind.
When eat, eat. When talk, talk.

Fallacy: This teaching undermines the process of planning and postmortem. Since you are not supposed to engage your mind about the task before or after, you thus are not supposed to plan or analyze the consequences of your task!!

Counter Argument: The process of planning for the task is itself another task! The process of post-analysis is again another task by itself, too. Hence, there is no violation of the original proverb :-)

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