Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Beautiful Koan

Every day priests minutely
examine the Dharma
and endlessly chant
complicated sutras.
They should learn
how to read the love letters
sent by the wind and rain,
the snow and moon.

- Ikkyu (1394-1491)

Thursday, March 20, 2008

"Silent Warrior" by Enigma

This is a first in the series of songs whose lyrics carry a deep meaning or profound thought, in my view.

"Silent Warrior"

Long ago, for many years
White men came in the name of GOD
They took their land, they took their lives
A new age has just begun
They lost their GODS, they lost their smile
they cried for help for the last time.
Liberty was turning into chains
But all the white men said
That's the cross of changes
In the name of GOD - The fight for gold
These were the changes.
Tell me - is it right - In the name of GOD
These kind of changes ?
They tried to fight for liberty
Without a chance in hell, they gave up.
White men won in the name of GOD
With the cross as alibi
There's no GOD who ever tried
To change the world in this way.
For the ones who abuse His name
There'll be no chance to escape
On judgment day
In the name of GOD - The fight for gold
These were the changes.
Tell me - Is it right - In the name of GOD
These kind of changes ?
Tell me why, tell me why, tell why
The white men said:
That's the cross of changes ?
Tell me why, tell me why, tell why,
In the name of GOD
These kind of changes.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

What's wrong with us Bhindians*

WARNING: This is a post full of negative thoughts, ranting and generalization. No research at all. This will also contain repetitions, and grammar is pretty poor. I was very angry with everything around me and just had to let go. This is not exactly a Zen thought, even though Zen asks us to let go...

What's wrong with us Bhindians? A lot. We're hypocrites. We're cowards. We're dirty. We're mean. We have a collective crab mentality, and can't stand progress of some-one in our community. We love to pull that person down, and kick his head and ground it to dust and say - "How the hell did you dare to progress? This is where you belong - to the dirt". We take collective pleasure in torturing, beating and insulting others, especially people who are meek, weak and will be hardly able to fight back.

At the same time, we tolerate injustice and bow to the powerful. and by power I mean money-power and gun-power (earlier the sword). We suck up to the goondas, politicians, industrialists and fundamentalists like servile, pathetic dogs. Most of us Bhindians have no spine and no guts. We are worse than the worst possible lecherous, devious creature possible. We have no honour and courage. Out latent pseudo-honour gets woken up when two young innocent lovers belonging to different castes or communities decide to marry. Then, we vent our fury and make life hell for that poor couple, or totally terminate them from the face of the earth.

We're full of lazy, dirty drunkards who do nothing all day, gamble away whatever little money they get, beat up their wives and visit prostitutes. It is also just that bottle of beer that incites us into mass rioting and cutting each other's throat in the name of religion.

We love backwardness, poverty, crime, filth and corruption. How dare anybody even think of changing the system? Or for the less lazier ones.. nothing's going to happen anyway, it's no use fighting our destiny and result of bad deeds in our previous birth.. Rama Rama Rama..cough cough..aaack-chthooo. Uttered by cowardly niggardly pathetic weak Bhindians.

The general public of Bhindia is so f**king apathetic to everything!! The word 'care' does not exist in our dictionary. Similarly, the words 'action', 'do' , 'change' and 'improvement' have no place in Bhindia. The Bhindian 'intellectuals' talk, criticize, condemn, complain, write dozens of books, hold conferences and meetings but do not do anything substantial at all. In the end it's my life, my comfort and my money. Or the gutter, garbage and the slum. Ah, I'm almost done but my bladder's feeling 'full'. I gotta take a pee..hey, here's a nice wall! Lemme do my bit for the environment and fertilize it....

*Bhindian is a derogatory term for Indians used by some Pakistanis who hate India.